Warning Forex Traders Warning
Posted by Asad Ali
He is using our and other company names on his marketing site without written permission so now the time has come for this to be stopped...
He is in our opinion a scam artist, simply Google Dmitri Chavkerov or Felix Homogratus to see how well disliked he is...
After mounting pressure on Dmitri Chavkerov and Rob Grespinet of Kingforexsignals.com of which is just one site in a long string of failed Forex sites by these two Bozo's, they have closed KFS down for good and moved on to a new site at Wpips.com where they want you to give them at least $35,000 just to be apart of this new scheme and since they received so much criticism over doctoring the performance reports on KFS they now say "Our performance is private information and will only be shared with qualified clients".... Be Careful
And Here's a BIG One...
Another one of their new sites went up Spartanforexfund.com started again by Dmitri Chavkerov and Claude Grespinet, here we see the same old tired recycled photo of Rob smoking a cigarette and tired old bragging about Rob's supposed 750,000 euros Credit Suisse salary and with additional garbage about Dmitri Chavkerov's again supposed successful life but of course they again fail to add information on their sites about the long list of failed services and sites that have been closed down. So what's the catch with this one? before reading any further please make sure you have pre-emptied your bowls, for this one they want you to give them control of $10,000,000 yes that's Ten Million US Dollars! - and they want you to send it to an offshore account.
A word of caution if you are a U.S. Citizen don't EVER send any money to an offshore bank account and give someone else control over your funds, there are plenty of legitimate Money Manager's in the U.S. who are regulated.