Foreign Exchange Currency Fraud  

Posted by Asad Ali in

Beware of Foreign Currency Trading FraudsThe advertisements seem too good to pass up. They tout high returns coupled with low risks from investments in foreign currency (“forex”) contracts. Sometimes they even offer lucrative employment opportunities in forex trading.
Do these deals sound too good to be true? Unfortunately, they are , and investors need to be on guard against these scams. They may look like a new sophisticated form of investment opportunity, but in reality they are the same old trap – financial fraud in fancy garb.
Forex trading can be legitimate for governments and large institutional investors concerned about fluctuations in international exchange rates, and it can even be appropriate for some individual investors. But the average investor should be wary when it comes to forex offers.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) warn that off-exchange forex trading by retail investors is at best extremely risky, and at worst, outright fraud.
What are forex contracts?Forex contracts involve the right to buy or sell a certain amount of a foreign currency at a fixed price in U.S. dollars. Profits or losses accrue as the exchange rate of that currency fluctuates on the open market. It is extremely rare that individual traders actually see the foreign currency. Instead, they typically close out their buy or sell commitments and calculate net gains or losses based on price changes in that currency relative to the dollar over time.
Forex markets are among the most active markets in the world in terms of dollar volume. The participants include large banks, multinational corporations, governments, and speculators. Individual traders comprise a very small part of this market. Because of the volatility in the price of foreign currency, losses can accrue very rapidly, wiping out an investor’s down payment in short order.
How do the scams work?Forex scams attract customers with sophisticated-sounding offers placed in newspaper advertisements, radio promotions, or on Internet sites. Promoters often lure investors with the concept of leverage: the right to “control” a large amount of foreign currency with an initial payment representing only a fraction of the total cost. Coupled with predictions about supposedly inevitable increases in currency prices, these contracts are said to offer huge returns over a short time, with little or no downside risk.
In a typical case, investors may be assured of reaping tens of thousands of dollars in just a few weeks or months, with an initial investment of only $5,000. Often, the investor’s money is never actually placed in the market through a legitimate dealer, but simply diverted – stolen -- for the personal benefit of the con artists.
What are regulators doing?The CFTC is the federal agency with the primary responsibility for overseeing the commodities markets, including foreign currency trading. Many state securities regulators also have the right under their state laws to take action against illegal commodities investments. Sometimes, the CFTC and the states work together on cases. Some examples –
>> In 2005, the CFTC and the Commissioner of Corporations of the State of California sued National Investment Consultants, Inc., and others in US District Court for the Northern District of California for engaging in a forex scam involving approximately $2 million in customer funds. In 2006, the Court ordered restitution and fines amounting to $3.4 million.
>> Also in 2005, the CFTC and the Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) engaged in a cooperative enforcement effort against Premium Income Corp. (PIC) and its principals. The CFTC and SEC filed an action in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas and the TSSB filed an administrative action charging PIC and its principals with engaging in an illegal $11 million forex operation. To date, the federal court has found three corporate defendants liable to pay restitution of $12 million and each was assessed a fine of $37 million. The State of Texas also has obtained cease and desist orders along with various criminal indictments and convictions. PIC’s president is currently incarcerated on charges stemming from his forex scam.
>> In 2004, Gregory Blake Baldwin, of Utah, pleaded guilty to fraud after his firm, Sunstar Funding, accepted $228,500 from 33 investors for placement into the foreign currency market. Their money was not placed in the foreign currency market but used to pay some past investors and for personal expenses. >> In 2003, the CFTC and the State of Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services sued Orion International, Inc., and its principals in US District Court for the District of Oregon for fraudulently soliciting over $40 million to participate in a purported forex fund. Orion, and its president Russell Cline, misappropriated virtually all the customer funds. In 2006, the Court entered fines and restitution orders against the defendants totaling almost $150 million. Cline is currently incarcerated on charges stemming from his forex scam.
>> In 2002, the CFTC, SEC and State of Utah filed action against a company known as “4NExchange” for violations of state and federal laws as the firm’s principals illegally offered foreign currency contracts through an alleged Ponzi scheme that cost investors nearly $15 million.
What are the warning signs of fraud?If you are solicited by a company that claims to trade foreign currencies and asks you to invest funds, you should be very careful. Watch out for the following warning signs:
1. Be wary of promises that sound too good to be true: “You can make six figure profits within a year; forex investments are very low risk; You can double your money.” Get-rich-quick schemes, including those involving foreign currency trading, tend to be frauds.
2. Be skeptical about unsolicited phone calls offering investments, especially those from out-of-state salespersons or companies that are unfamiliar.
3. Be especially cautious if you have acquired a large sum of cash recently and are looking for an investment vehicle. In particular, retirees with access to their retirement funds may be attractive targets for fraudulent operators. Getting your money back once it is gone can be difficult or impossible.
4. Be wary of high-pressure efforts to convince you to send or transfer cash immediately to the firm, via overnight delivery or the Internet.
5. Be smart about the money you do put at risk. Even when purchased through the most reputable dealer, forex investments are extremely risky. If you are tempted to invest, make sure you understand these products and above all, only invest what you can afford to lose.

Warning Forex Traders Warning  

Posted by Asad Ali - - are so called scam review site's where Dmitri slams competitors sites in order to promote his own sites, you will notice the only sites listed in top positions on Forexbastards are sites he is affiliated with, Dmitri in my opinion is the biggest scam artist in Forex and has allot of enemies...
He is using our and other company names on his marketing site without written permission so now the time has come for this to be stopped...
He is in our opinion a scam artist, simply Google Dmitri Chavkerov or Felix Homogratus to see how well disliked he is...
New Warning For Traders
After mounting pressure on Dmitri Chavkerov and Rob Grespinet of of which is just one site in a long string of failed Forex sites by these two Bozo's, they have closed KFS down for good and moved on to a new site at where they want you to give them at least $35,000 just to be apart of this new scheme and since they received so much criticism over doctoring the performance reports on KFS they now say "Our performance is private information and will only be shared with qualified clients".... Be Careful

And Here's a BIG One...
Another one of their new sites went up started again by Dmitri Chavkerov and Claude Grespinet, here we see the same old tired recycled photo of Rob smoking a cigarette and tired old bragging about Rob's supposed 750,000 euros Credit Suisse salary and with additional garbage about Dmitri Chavkerov's again supposed successful life but of course they again fail to add information on their sites about the long list of failed services and sites that have been closed down. So what's the catch with this one? before reading any further please make sure you have pre-emptied your bowls, for this one they want you to give them control of $10,000,000 yes that's Ten Million US Dollars! - and they want you to send it to an offshore account.
A word of caution if you are a U.S. Citizen don't EVER send any money to an offshore bank account and give someone else control over your funds, there are plenty of legitimate Money Manager's in the U.S. who are regulated.

Scam Warning For Brokers  

Posted by Asad Ali

Being once a Forex trader you will meet many problems concerning the trustworthy of the broker you are dealing with. Unfortunately there are people who use this point to attack well-guaranteed brokers with.
I'm going to show you what I've found after my search, for this issue concerns me a lot because I used to be a trader in Forex Market for 6 years and then I became to be IB with one of the greatest brokers in Forex Market, and I have passed through problems very similar to this.
During my Forex activity I have seen many swindlers whose target is to steal money but by cheating. One of them is called Rashid, he is Algerian but lives in US.
His work concentrated on opening accounts and operating it with Automated Expert Advisers in order to ensure his profit.
He cheated many brokers and took money not of his rightful possession.


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